Program Scratch Pad

Create different programs, view statistics and density plots. Check the Discrete distribution box to see the probability mass function and distributino function. Otherwise, see the aggregate and severity densities and log densities. The severity and aggregate typically have different y-axis scales.

To specify a fixed severity of one, you can enter the shorthand sev.One or the clause sev dhistogram xps [1] [1].

Reload the page to see a random example program.

Input aggregate program


Audit statistics for FreqFixed. Numbered columns correspond to mixture components.
  0 mixed
Name FreqFixed FreqFixed
Limit inf inf
Attachment 0.000 0.000
Expected claim count 10.000 10.000
Expected severity 1.000 1.000
Expected loss 10.000 10.000
CV loss 0.000 0.000
Skewness loss
Empricial severity 1.000
Emprical mean loss 10.000
Empirical CV loss 0.000
Bucket 0.002
agg FreqFixed 10 claims sev sev.One fixed
Density (left) and log density (right) for program agg FreqFixed 10 claims sev sev.One fixed.