Examples of aggregate programs

Click on Key links to load the program into the scratch area, where it can be executed to show aggregate statistics and graphics.

Note sev.One is shorthand for a fixed severity of 1. It can also be specified using the clause sev dhistogram xps [1] [1].

To enter a Tweedie distribution with mean μ and variance function V(μ) = σ2μp compute α = (2−p)/(p−1), λ = μ2 − p/((2−p)σ2), and β = μ1 − p/((p−1)σ2). Then enter the program agg Tweedie lambda claims sev {1/beta} * gamma {alpha} poisson where the terms lambda, 1/beta and alpha are replaced by their computed values. For an interesting example take μ = 1, p = 1.005 and σ2 = 0.1, producing alpha=199, beta=2000 (1/beta=0.0005), lambda=10.05025126 and agg TWEEDIE 10.05025126 claims sev 0.0005 * gamma 199 poisson. These parameters produce an aggregate that is “close” to a Poisson with a highly multimodal density. The examples below use p in [1.001, 1.005, 1.01, 1.025, 1.05, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.9, 1.995]. Once the distributions settle down, look at the probability of zero losses to differentiate between them.

List of agg programs.
FreqFixed agg FreqFixed 10 claims sev sev.One fixed
FreqPoisson agg FreqPoisson 10 claims sev sev.One poisson
FreqBernoulli agg FreqBernoulli .8 claims sev sev.One bernoulli
FreqBinomial agg FreqBinomial 10 claims sev sev.One binomial 0.5
FreqGeometric agg FreqBinomial 10 claims sev sev.One geometric
FreqPascal agg FreqPascal 10 claims sev sev.One pascal .8 3
FreqNegBin agg FreqNegBin 10 claims sev sev.One (mixed gamma 0.65)
FreqDelaporte agg FreqDelaporte 10 claims sev sev.One mixed delaporte .65 .25
FreqIG agg FreqIG 10 claims sev sev.One mixed ig .65
FreqIG agg FreqIG 10 claims sev sev.One mixed sig 0.5 0.4
FreqSichel agg FreqSichel 10 claims sev sev.One mixed delaporte .65 -0.25
FreqSichel.gamma agg FreqSichel.gamma 10 claims sev sev.One mixed sichel.gamma .65 .25
FreqSichel.ig agg FreqSichel.ig 10 claims sev sev.One mixed sichel.ig .65 .25
FreqBeta agg FreqBeta 10 claims sev sev.One mixed beta .5 4
Sev0 agg Sev0 1 claim sev lognorm 10 cv .09 fixed
Sev1 agg Sev1 1 claim sev 10 * lognorm 10 cv .09 fixed
Sev2 agg Sev2 1 claim sev lognorm 10 cv .09 + 20 fixed
Sev3 agg Sev3 1 claim sev 10 * lognorm 10 cv .09 + 20 fixed
Sev4 agg Sev4 1 claim sev 9.559974818331 * lognorm .3 fixed
Sev5 agg Sev5 1 claim sev 9.559974818331 * lognorm .3 + 5 fixed
Sev6 agg Sev6 1 claim sev 10 * lognorm 0.5 cv .3 fixed
Sev7 agg Sev7 1 claim sev 10 * lognorm 1 cv .5 + 5 fixed
Sev8 agg Sev8 1 claim sev 10 * gamma 0.3 fixed
Sev9 agg Sev9 1 claim sev 10 * gamma 1 cv .3 + 5 fixed
Sev10 agg Sev10 1 claim sev 10 * pareto 2.6 - 10 fixed
Sev11 agg Sev11 1 claim sev 2 * uniform 5 + 2.5 fixed
Sev12 agg Sev12 1 claim 130 x 20 sev lognorm 20 cv 0.75 fixed
Sev13 agg Sev13 1 claim 130 x 20 sev 20 * lognorm 0.75 fixed
Sev14 agg Sev14 1 claim 130 x 20 sev 20 * lognorm 1 cv 0.75 fixed
Sev15 agg Sev15 1 claim (130 x 20) sev 20 * lognorm 1 cv 0.75 + 20 fixed
Sev16 agg Sev16: 1 claim sev 50 * beta 3 2 + 10 fixed
Sev17 agg Sev17: 1 claim sev 100 * expon + 10 fixed
Sev18 agg Sev18: 1 claim sev 10 * norm + 50 fixed
Sev19 agg Sev19: 1 claim sev 1 * invgamma 4.07 fixed
Sev20 agg Sev20: 1 claim sev invgauss 10 cv .5 fixed
Example1 agg Example1 10 claims 30 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv 0.8 fixed
Example2 agg Example2 10 claims 30 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv 0.8 poisson
Example3 agg Example3 10 claims 30 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv 0.8 mixed gamma 0.3
Example4 agg Example4 10 claims 30 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv 0.8 mixed delaporte 0.3 0.25
Example5 agg Example5 10 claims 100 xs 10 sev lognorm 10 cv 0.8 poisson
Example6 agg Example6 10 claims inf xs 10 sev lognorm 10 cv 0.8 poisson
Example7 agg Example7 0.25 claims sev 4 * expon poisson
Example8 agg Example8 0.05 claims sev 20 * expon poisson
Example9 agg Example9 0.05 claims sev 100 * expon poisson
Tweedie0 agg Tweedie0 10.01001 claims sev 0.0001 * gamma 999 poisson
Tweedie1 agg Tweedie1 10.050251 claims sev 0.0005 * gamma 199 poisson
Tweedie2 agg Tweedie2 10.10101 claims sev 0.001 * gamma 99 poisson
Tweedie3 agg Tweedie3 10.25641 claims sev 0.0025 * gamma 39 poisson
Tweedie4 agg Tweedie4 10.526316 claims sev 0.005 * gamma 19 poisson
Tweedie5 agg Tweedie5 11.111111 claims sev 0.01 * gamma 9 poisson
Tweedie6 agg Tweedie6 12.5 claims sev 0.02 * gamma 4 poisson
Tweedie7 agg Tweedie7 20 claims sev 0.05 * gamma 1 poisson
Tweedie8 agg Tweedie8 100 claims sev 0.09 * gamma 0.11111111 poisson
Tweedie9 agg Tweedie9 2000 claims sev 0.0995 * gamma 0.0050251256 poisson
ExampleGup agg ExampleGup 10 claims 100 x 0 sev lognorm 15 cv 0.8 poisson
ExampleRet agg ExampleRet 10 claims 40 xs 10 sev lognorm 15 cv 0.8 poisson
ExampleXoL agg ExampleXoL 10 claims 60 xs 40 sev lognorm 15 cv 0.8 poisson
ExampleXoLUC agg ExampleXoLUC 10 claims 60 xs 40 sev lognorm 15 cv 0.8 ! poisson
Example2Gup agg Example2Gup 10 claims inf x 0 sev lognorm 25 cv 1.0 poisson
Example2Ret agg Example2Ret 10 claims 100 xs 10 sev lognorm 25 cv 1.0 poisson
Example2XoL agg Example2XoL 10 claims inf xs 100 sev lognorm 25 cv 1.0 poisson
Example2XoLUC agg Example2XoLUC 10 claims inf xs 100 sev lognorm 25 cv 1.0 ! poisson
MixedLine1 agg MixedLine1: 1 claim 50 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0] wts=5 fixed
MixedLine3 agg MixedLine3: 1 claim 50 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0] wt [.2, .3, .3, .15, .05] fixed
MixedLine4 agg MixedLine4: 1 claim 50 xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0] fixed
MixedLine5 agg MixedLine5: 1 claim 50 xs 0 sev lognorm [10, 15, 20, 25, 50] cv [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0] wts=5 fixed
MixedLine6 agg MixedLine6: 50 claims sev lognorm 12 cv [.75 1 .25] wt [.3 .5 .2] mixed gamma 0.4
MixedLine7 agg MixedLine7 1 claim sev 100 * beta [1 200 500 100] [100 800 500 1] wt=4 + 10 fixed
LimitProfile1 agg LimitProfile1: 1 claim [1, 5, 10, 20] xs 0 sev lognorm 10 cv 1.2 wt [.50, .20, .20, .1] fixed
LimitProfile2 agg LimitProfile2: 5 claim [10 20 50 100] xs 10 sev lognorm 10 cv 1.2 wt [.50, .20, .20, .1] fixed
LimitProfile3 agg LimitProfile3: [10 10 10 10] claims [inf 10 inf 10] xs [0 0 5 5] sev lognorm 10 cv 1.25 fixed
LimitProfile4 agg LimitProfile4: 1 claim sev lognorm [5 10 15 20] cv .02 wts=4 fixed
LimitProfile5 agg LimitProfile5: 1 claim sev lognorm [5 10 15 20] cv .02 wts=4 fixed
LimitProfile6 agg LimitProfile6: [10 30 15 5] claims [inf 10 inf 10] xs [0 0 5 5] sev lognorm 10 cv [1.0, 1.25, 1.5] wts=3 fixed
LimitProfile7 agg LimitProfile7 [10 20 30] claims [100 200 75] xs [0 50 75] sev lognorm 100 cv [1 2] wts [.6 .4] mixed gamma 0.4
LimitProfile8 agg LimitProfile8 [10 30] claims sev lognorm 100 cv [1 2] mixed gamma 0.4
CA agg CA 500 prem at .5 lr 15 x 12 sev gamma 12 cv [2 3 4] wt [.3 .5 .2] mixed gamma 0.4
FL agg FL 1.7 claims 100 x 5 sev 10 * pareto 1.3 - 10 poisson
NY agg NY 500 prem at .5 lr 15 x 12 sev [20 30 40 10] * gamma [9 10 11 12] cv [1 2 3 4] wt=4 mixed gamma 0.4
Blend0 agg Blend0 1 claim sev lognorm 12 cv [0.1, 0.3, 0.5] wts=3 fixed
Blend1 agg Blend1 1 claim sev lognorm 12 cv [0.1, 0.3, 0.5] fixed
Blend2 agg Blend2 10 claims [5 10 15] x 0 sev lognorm 12 cv [1, 1.5, 3] fixed
Blend3 agg Blend3 10 claims [5 10 15] x 0 sev lognorm 12 cv [1, 1.5, 3] wt=3 fixed
logo1 agg logo1 0.05 claim [10, 22.632, 35.263, 47.895, 60.526, 73.158, 85.789, 98.421, 111.05, 123.68, 136.32, 148.95, 161.58, 174.21, 186.84, 199.47, 212.11, 224.74, 237.37, 250] xs 0 sev lognorm 100 cv 1 fixed
logo2 agg logo2 1 claim [10, 22.632, 35.263, 47.895, 60.526, 73.158, 85.789, 98.421, 111.05, 123.68, 136.32, 148.95, 161.58, 174.21, 186.84, 199.47, 212.11, 224.74, 237.37, 250] xs 0 sev lognorm 100 cv 1 fixed
dHist1 agg dHist1 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [1, 10, 40] [.5, .3, .2] fixed
cHist1 agg cHist1 1 claim sev chistogram xps [1, 10, 40] [.5, .3, .2] fixed
dHist2 agg dHist2 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [1, 2, 5, 100] [.5, .25, 0.2, 0.05] fixed
dHist3 agg dHist3 10 claim sev dhistogram xps [1, 2, 5, 100] [.5, .25, 0.2, 0.05] fixed
dHist4 agg dHist4 10 claim sev dhistogram xps [1, 2, 5, 100] [.5, .25, 0.2, 0.05] poisson
BodoffWind agg wind 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 99] [0.80, 0.20] fixed
BodoffQuake agg quake 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 100] [0.95, 0.05] fixed
Bodoff2Wind agg wind 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 50] [0.80, 0.20] fixed
Bodoff2Quake agg quake 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 100] [0.95, 0.05] fixed
Bodoff3Wind agg wind 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 5] [0.80, 0.20] fixed
Bodoff3Quake agg quake 1 claim sev dhistogram xps [0, 100] [0.95, 0.05] fixed