Cat/Noncat Case Study Extended Results

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(Z-15-1) Table (new): Premium stand-alone by unit, sum, and total, and natural allocation by distortion.
  Unit Cat NonCat SoP Total
Approach Distortion        
Stand-Alone CCoC 34.98 83.84 118.8 115.2
PH 33.75 86.36 120.1 115.2
Wang 32.82 87.5 120.3 115.2
Dual 31.83 88.59 120.4 115.2
TVaR 31.15 89.17 120.3 115.2
Blend 34.48 85.32 119.8 115.2
Allocated CCoC 40.51 74.64 115.2
PH 32.89 82.26 115.2
Wang 31.26 83.89 115.2
Dual 29.68 85.48 115.2
TVaR 28.69 86.46 115.2
Blend 35.58 79.59 115.2
(Z-15-2) Table (new): Progression of premium benefit by distortion. Differences between allocated and stand-alone, the implied premium reduction, and the split by unit.
View Pooling ยค Benefit Pct Premium Reduction Pct of Benefit
Unit Cat NonCat Total Cat NonCat Total Cat NonCat Total
CCoC -5.535 9.197 3.662 -15.8% 11.0% 3.1% -151% 251% 100%
PH 0.857 4.105 4.962 2.5% 4.8% 4.1% 17% 83% 100%
Wang 1.557 3.616 5.173 4.7% 4.1% 4.3% 30% 70% 100%
Dual 2.152 3.118 5.271 6.8% 3.5% 4.4% 41% 59% 100%
TVaR 2.459 2.710 5.170 7.9% 3.0% 4.3% 48% 52% 100%
Blend -1.100 5.740 4.639 -3.2% 6.7% 3.9% -24% 124% 100%
Figure Figure(1200x400)
(Z-BL-1) Figure (new): Calibrated blend distortion, compard to CCoC and naive blend. The x marks show bond default and pricing data used in calibration. Middle plot zooms into 0 < s < 0.1. Righthand plot uses a log/log scale. PH distortion added for comparison.
(Z-TR-1) Table (new): Asset tranching with S&P bond default rates and a 25.0% debt to total capital limit.
Quantity Amount Pct Assets Attaches Pr Attaches Exhausts Pr Exhausts Cumul Pct
BBB+ 8.17 3.1% 259.03 0.0012 267.20 0.0010 100.0%
BBB 23.52 8.8% 235.52 0.0021 259.03 0.0012 96.9%
BBB- 6.33 2.4% 229.19 0.0025 235.52 0.0021 88.1%
Equity 114.04 42.7% 115.15 0.1821 229.19 0.0025 85.8%
Margin 15.21 5.7% 99.95 0.4171 115.15 0.1821 43.1%
EL 99.95 37.4% 0.00 1.0000 99.95 0.4171 37.4%
Figure Figure(1200x400)
(Z-TR-2) Figure (new): capital tranching with a 25.0% debt to total capital limit.